Gygi Research Group

ECS289K Introduction to Quantum Simulations

Instructor: Francois Gygi, Professor, Department of Computer Science, UC Davis

This class provides a hands-on introduction to modern methods of atomic-scale quantum simulations for atoms, molecules, solids and liquids. Quantum simulations of materials rely on fundamental physical principles, including a quantum mechanical description of electronic structure. They have become an important research tool in chemistry, physics and materials science.

Useful links

Lecture slides

Lecture slides will be posted on Canvas.

Precompiled Qbox for CSIF

  • Qbox for CSIF-Ubuntu is located in /home/cs289kfg/public/qbox
  • Use the file /home/cs289kfg/public/ to in install Qbox in your home directory
  • In an interactive CSIF session, use " ." to initialize your PATH environment variable
  • Examples


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